


Plug-n-Play is a novel Trouble-Free stretch film with reinforcement elements for every use that makes the whole wrapping process effortless! “Plug” the film on the machine like your current power solution film and “Play” with the settings. You will gain the possibility to reduce tremendously the plastic consumption and experience immediate cost-savings.

Plug-n-Play operates with both semi and fully automatic wrapping machines that incorporate a pre-stretch unit.

Plug-n-Play Super Light

 Super Light

2400 m/roll
Pre-stretch up to 240%, recommended stretch up to 220% 
Usually replaces a stretch film ≤17μm
For Extra Light applications
Plug-n-Play Light


2100 m/roll
Pre-stretch up to 250%, recommended stretch up to 230% 
Usually replaces a stretch film up to 20μm
For Light applications
Plug-n-Play General Purpose

 General Purpose

1800 m/roll
Pre-stretch up to 260%, recommended stretch up to 240% 
Usually replaces a stretch film up to 23μm
For General Purpose applications
Plug-n-Play High Demanding

 High Demanding

1600 m/roll
Pre-stretch up to 270%, recommended stretch up to 250%
Usually replaces a stretch film ≥23μm
For High Demanding applications